GALA 2011...Saturday, March 26. Woodbridge, Ontario

Plan to join us on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Now is a great time to reserve your table by contacting Christine at:

Ways to help this holiday season

1 - Share the TDH Mission and be proud of your affiliation with this great organization!
TDH Mission
2 - Give a meaningful gift - visit the TDH Dragonfly website: 
Dragonfly Campaign

3 - Sign up as a contributor in the Every Day in Every Way Campaign, TDH's regular monthly support program. Our initial launch of our Every Day in Every Way program was a modest success with a small number of donors contributing between $25 and $100 monthly. Through increasing the membership in this program we can continue to achieve our goals.

Print and mail:
Yes! I’ll help Every Day in Every Way!

Enclosed is my VOID cheque as well as my name, mailing address and email address.
Please deduct, from my bank account, the monthly amount of:
$25/month $50/month I prefer to give $________/month

You may alter the amount of your gift or end your contributions at any time by contacting our office. You will receive a tax receipt for your total donations the following spring.

Alternatively, you may phone Jose Garcia at (514) 937-3325 to make donation arrangements.
Or donate through Canada Helps on the TDH websites.

Mail your form and void cheque to:
TDH Canada Inc.
36 Home Ave., P.O. Box 963
Vankleek Hill, Ontario K0B 1R0
Fax: (613) 216-2565
Telephone: (613) 482-6306
Charitable Reg.#: 0331249-11-08

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