GALA 2011...Saturday, March 26. Woodbridge, Ontario

Plan to join us on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Now is a great time to reserve your table by contacting Christine at:

Nanny Training - goal $5400

Donation amount: any
$20 per month provides training for one nanny. 
$240 provides training for one nanny for a year.
$450 provides training for all nanny's for one month
Goal: $5400

Please use the PayPal button to complete your donation. Use the comments to leave your name and the number of nanny's you would like to sponsor for training so everyone can see how we are doing towards reaching our goal.

TDH Canada will send a tax receipt for any donation of $10.00 or greater.


  1. Could you elaborate on the type of training that the nannies will receive?

  2. We would like to provide training for the nannies. For this we consulted with Trang Dai, director of Vung Tau 1. We would like to ask a couple of doctors from the children’s hospital to come to the orphanage on a once a month basis to train the nannies in basic health care and hygiene. The cost of this project would be:

    1. Car from Ho Chi Minh City - $100
    2. Meals for nannies and doctors - $50
    3. Per diem expenses - $60
    4. Salary for specialist - $240

    Total would be approximately $5400 for one year.
