GALA 2011...Saturday, March 26. Woodbridge, Ontario

Plan to join us on Saturday, March 26, 2011. Now is a great time to reserve your table by contacting Christine at:

Bike for orphan to ride to school $50each - Goal reached!

Imagine the joy of a child able to attend school by riding their bike!
$50.00 per bike  ~ Our GALA GOAL is to raise 20 bikes)

We have surpassed our goal!  21 bikes have already been generously donated!

Donation amount: $50 per bicycle
Goal: $1000

Please use the PayPal button to complete your donation.  Use the comments to leave your name and the number of bikes you are helping to purchase with your donation so everyone can see how we are doing towards reaching our goal. 
TDH Canada will send a tax receipt for any donation of $10.00 or greater.

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